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14 August, 2024 - Updated Last updated on
15 August, 2024

Posted by Marty | Spaceships Crew

It’s 2024 and the world of travel has changed. Well, New Zealand’s scenery is still the same – simply amazing – but the way to see & experience it all has changed a bit. Classic hop-on/hop-off bus tours have morphed into something way less flexible: fixed tours with hostel or hotel accommodation. If that is your thing, great. No worries.

However, lots of travellers are now searching for an alternative that fits their travel plans better. Hop-on/hop-off was great as it gave you all the flexibility you needed to explore New Zealand at your own pace. If you like it somewhere, then you would stay there a bit longer. And when you had enough of that place you hopped onto the next bus.

Perfect for travellers that have lots of time to travel in New Zealand. Why rush through this amazing country in weeks when you have the time to see it in months?

Shaking up the hop-on/hop-off game

Did you know that a compact campervan is the best portal to all the hidden gems in New Zealand? You can hop into a Spaceships campervan and take it to any place in New Zealand. Even gravel or dirt roads aren’t a problem. And because Spaceships come with sleeping & cooking gear included, it’s your transport & accommodation rolled into one.

There’s no need to head back to civilisation after exploring NZ’s amazing scenery. Simply find a campsite nearby via these free apps and keep enjoying that amazing scenery. You can even go for another hike in the morning, just before or after breakfast. Try doing that on a bus tour where you must get ready early for another day of sitting on the bus waiting to arrive at your next destination.

And when you hire a Self-Contained Campervan with solar panels on its roof you can stay off the grid even longer.

There are 1000s of free and budget campsites in remote locations in New Zealand you can choose from with your self-contained or non-self-contained campervan. Check out our favourite remote campsites.

Having your own set of wheels in the form of a compact campervan means you can create your own custom hop-on/hop-off tour through New Zealand. And you can go to remote places, where big motorhomes or buses can't go. See more on a custom self-drive tour.

Space Traveller enjoying the amazing view in a remote location of New Zealand

Go to places big motorhomes or buses can't go - Create your own hop-on/hop-off adventure

Where to go? How to plan your flexible hop-on/hop-off route

Not sure where to go and what to see in New Zealand? No worries, creating that awesome itinerary is easier than you might think.

First of all, the Spaceships Travel Blog and Space Insta are packed with travel inspiration & tips. You can always ask us more about a certain photo or destination we post on social. No worries.

Secondly, just sneak over to any of the bus tour company’s websites to check out their route maps. They all have images or PDFs of their bus routes so just a simple, right-click & save or press & save on mobile is all that is needed to “borrow” their itineraries.

Thirdly, when it comes to activities and getting a great deal on them, you just have to check out ExperienceNZ, the unique activity booking platform by Spaceships & Everything NZ.

And last but not least... Just ask us. There are heaps of options to reach the friendly Spaceships Crew.

Campervan on the right, Space Traveller standing near signs with various places in New Zealand - Amazing scenery in background: mountains & see

Freedom to explore on hop-on/hop-off alternative - Create your custom itinerary

What about the social aspect?

Social bunnies don't need to worry when embarking on their own, custom hop-along journey across New Zealand. The best socialising is done on campsites, around a campfire - unless there is a fire ban – or BBQs (yes there are public BBQs in New Zealand, how cool is that?). Or even around the gas burner that is included with your campervan.

The travellers and campers you’ll come across are just like you. They’re friendly and always up for a chat... And if not, they will let you know in a nice way.

Space Traveller sitting on campervan's bumper to meet & see the locals aka local birds

You'll always come across s friendly face, whether human or animal, on your road trip

Campsites are social playgrounds. Much more than hostels or hotels where everyone walks around with AirPods in their ears and watching TikTok videos because they can (free wifi).

Spending the night on a campsite in the middle of nowhere – well that is what any place outside a town or city feels like – is where true adventurers share their stories. Life happens outside, not on a screen.

But hey, even the most rugged wanderluster needs to come up for air occasionally – or a hot shower or bath – therefore it is good to know that a compact campervan is just as easy to park in a hostel/hotel’s narrow parking as it is on a campsite with heaps of space.

Your Spaceships hop-on/hop-off campervan gives you the option to choose what you want to do and how you want to spend the night. You’ll get the best of both worlds.

Hopping around on a budget

What about the prices and the hit it takes on your budget? Well, you have full control over it. There are various aspects that make up the price of a road trip vs the price of a hop-on/hop-off bus tour.

Let’s start with the hop-on/hop-off bus tours or fixed bus tours. That’s easy as their prices are almost always the same throughout the year: one fixed price for a tour. You’ll only need to add the costs of food & activities.... And accommodation when it’s a classic hop-on/hop-off bus tour.

Then compact campervan hire or your own private hop-on/hop-off pod.

  • Hire prices vary throughout the year and depend on factors like seasonality, route, and supply & demand. Simply fill in your travel dates & route to see the lowest price available. Any deal or discount that is active will be applied automatically. Hint: spring & winter are cheaper than summer. Price can be as low as from $20 per day in winter.
  • Accommodation. No extra costs as that is already included when you hire a Spaceships campervan: cooking & sleeping gear is included.
  • Petrol. This is a flexible cost, something that is impacted by where you go to, how and your driving style. Btw, we have heaps of tips for you on how to get a discount on fuel.
  • Food. That is totally up to you. You can buy generic private-label brands or fancy brands at the supermarket when shopping for groceries. A good rule of thumb when creating your travel budget is that homemade ... uh campervan-cooked meals will cost you on average: $5 for breakfast, $10 for lunch & $15 for dinner (per person).
Space Traveller using the cooking gear that is included to create a tasty meal

Create simple yet tasty meals on your road trip - Cooking gear is included

Debunking the self-drive hop-on/hop-off myth

By now, you’re probably thinking “yeah it sounds great but what about...” Well, we can answer these questions and debunk these myths all in one go.

  • “What about my age or licence... Am I too young to hire a campervan” – We have news for you, at Spaceships anyone 18 years of age or older with a valid driving licence can hire & drive a Spaceships campervan in New Zealand. There's no fee for young drivers. Also, a provisional licence is accepted as well – as long as you are at least 18 and drive to the conditions of your licence. And no worries, you don’t need to have had your licence for X months.
  • “What about extra drivers as I want to travel with friends” – No worries, you can add extra drivers for free when hiring a Spaceships campervan.
  • “What about safety” – New Zealand is a first-world and safe country. We have created an article about safety and travelling (solo) in New Zealand. Just like in any country, use common sense and don’t do things you wouldn’t do at home.

Hop on board and get ready for blast-off!

Don’t be sad because you feel that hop-on/hop-off tours are no longer available in New Zealand. Be happy because now you know the secret how to create your own hop-on/hop-off tour. Whether travelling solo or with friends, Spaceships can be steered into any direction. Try that on a bus tour with a fixed itinerary. Go for the freedom to explore, go for flexibility, go for a #SpaceshipsRoadTrip. 
Get ready for blast-off, future Space Traveller.

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